Switching Business Water Suppliers is easier than you think
If you’ve never switched supplier, or not switched in the last couple of years, you will almost certainly save money on your water bills by moving to a different deal.
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Get savvy and switch your business water supplier
Almost half of businesses are unaware they can shop around and choose their business water supplier. Switch your supply today to start saving time and money.
What happens when I change business water supplier?
Ofwat will store all the information in authorised databases regarding your water supply and consumption. This database is updated every time an update on the account is made. All suppliers are connected to the database to ensure the switching process is simple. Once you have switched supplier, your supplier will send you the final bill to your previous supplier. Whilst all of this is happening, it is important to remember your water supply with continue without disruption.
Switching business water supplier is a quick and simple process. You will receive a quote, you will then receive your contract and LOA which is a letter of authority that you will need to sign and a direct debit mandate. Our water experts will be able to make the switching process easy and will handle the switch for you. You will then receive a notification to show when your business water supplier changes.
Most water costs in your business come from underlying wholesale charges. These charges from your local wholesaler are carried over by your business water provider. All wholesale costs are unchanged unless you change water supply. If a company is re-using their water service, the bill will continue to be calculated using volumetric charges. Standing charges – Fixes incurred annually no matter the water usage.
Any business can switch their water supplier when in their renewal period.
SPID stands for Service Supply Identification Number which is a 13-digit unique identifier that is included on your bill. This SPID is used as a reference address for your water services.
To switch supplier, you must have your SPID as this is how your property can be identified. On your bill, you will see two SPID identifiers, one for your water and the other referencing water and wastewater services.
Your Water SPID will look like this “0000000000W0” and your sewage SPID will look like “0000000000S0A”. These can be found on your water bills.
How Can I Change My Water Supplier?
Once you have decided to switch your business water, we can help you with a new quote. The switching process is like changing your business electricity and business gas prices.
We have created a simple four step guide to securing your new your water deal to make the process as simple as possible:
Step 1: Check your water consumption
Firstly, we need to know how much water you are using, and we can do this by figuring out your average water usage. You can find out your water usage by simply looking at your latest water bill and finding how much you are currently being charged for your water usage.
It is important to take note of the following figures from your business water bill:
- Your annual water consumption
- How much you’re currently paying on your water bill
- Details of the charges on your water bill
- Your Service Supply Identification Numbers (SPIDs)
- A recent water meter reading
Step 2: Understand your current water contract
Once you have all the information listed above, you need to understand the type of tariff you are currently on as there are many different tariffs out there. This information can also be found on your business water bill.
You should be able to find all the information you require about your business water contract on your water bills. On your water bill, you will also be able to find how much you are charges per cubic metre of water and the payments regarding your water and wastewater services.
If you have different suppliers for both clean water and wastewater we can help arrange a single contract for both.
Step 3: Your Quote
Once we have all your details on usage, we can then compare business water rates available currently within the water retail market. Your current tariff will be used as a benchmark against which you can compare other water prices on offer.
Step 4: Complete the deal
Once we have compared your new businesses water deal, we can go ahead and agree to the contract.
Your new supplier will only need to discuss:
- Your eligibility
- Give you full information about the tariff and the terms and conditions
- Answer any questions you may have
Once this process is complete, you will need to sign an LOA or letter of authority and we can secure your new water deal.
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The information provided on this page is for editorial purposes only and not intended as financial advice.
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